Tuesday, April 27

Even When You're Scared

Brooke (our 9 year old) was outside when she noticed our 15 year old neighbor's boyfriend drive up. He had a back cast on and his upper body was stiff. He proceeded to knock on our neighbor's door and walk in.

Brooke told Rob that she really wanted to go and pray for that boy, but

she was scared.

She continued to say, "I wish I was brave like you Daddy."

And Rob said,

"Brave is not being scared.
Brave is doing something
even when you are scared."

Where did he pull that from??

And then Rob immediately said, "Let's go do it! Let's go pray for that teenager!"

So they knocked on the door. And Rob shared that Brooke wanted to pray for this boyfriend.

Brooke went first.

She prayed

even though she was scared.

Brooke then came running into our house, heart beating fast, hardly able to get the words out. . . to tell me what she had done. I had no clue what was going on.

She told me that was the most scared she had ever been, but that she did it. She prayed for this teenager's back to heal, for him to be able to take his cast off.

I am sure I will get more details from Brooke in the following days. I am sure I will make her write it all out in her journal. I am sure that later this week, I will quiz Rob on every detail of this interaction. I am sure I may even hear something about it from our next door neighbors.

But right now as my family is asleep, I am thanking God for

  • a little girl who believes that God heals

  • for a little girl who has compassion for a high school boy, a boy 6 years older than she, a boy she does not know

  • for a husband that seizes the teachable moment

  • for a husband that stops the cleaning of the yard to say, Let's go do it!

  • for the reminder that sometimes I need to do "it" even when I am scared

So I know this has nothing to do directly with our adoption,
but I have a feeling indirectly it does :)
so I had to post for me to remember.

Want to see what others stopped, took notice of, and were thankful for?
Check out "Tuesdays Unwrapped" at Chatting at the Sky


  1. That's great! What a proud wife and Mama you must be right now!

  2. thank you so much for this beautiful story. It really touched my heart. "Scared" definitely applied to my most recent blog @ http://faithdevours.blogspot.com...and adoption is definitely in my thoughts! You've blessed me today.
